Solstice cacao ceremony & elemental alchemy dance journey

Solstice cacao ceremony & elemental alchemy dance journey


Saturday 25th June 5.30 - 8 pm
At ‘The sound school’ in Moseley Birmingham
Allow the body to move & feel with freedom, whilst the cacao concoction welcomes the heart to blossom
Culminating with a deep sound bath where Huda will collaborate on the gongs

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Journey through body, being & beyond.

Join together to celebrate the summer solstice & the peak of earths energy rising.
Sharing an evening of remembering ~ Feeling into the realities we so often forget & the truths we all carry.
Moving & feeling into & through the world of the extra ordinary.
Gathering in circle to drink ceremonial grade Cacao within a nutritious concoction of plant medicines all supporting the release of endorphins & happy hormones.
You will be told the whys of each magical natural ingredient, before embarking on a journey through our elemental nature & the building blocks of life.
Exploring & expressing through Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Ether.

Music will support the unraveling & movement as we reconnect to our true nature & the elemental wisdom’s within.

C E R E M O N I E S ~

Ceremonies are a way to gather & honour life, it's transitions, ebb & flow whilst exploring the part we play within this rich tapestry. A powerful tool for the soul to converse with it's surroundings & self, bringing you home to your own inner rhythm & elemental nature.

C A C A O ~

The original chocolate in it's purest form.
A plant medicine that has always been associated with universal love & seen as a sacred healer & teacher.
Movement supports the cacao to flood our bloodstream & allows our energy & feelings to flow with freedom from within. It's properties are said to open the heart & when raw, it is one of the most nutrient based foods known to man, containing over 300 chemical compounds. To name a few it is bursting with vitamin C, iron, magnesium, calcium & hosts an array of mood enhancing chemicals that release & transmit serotonin & creates cosy feelings.
It has been used & cultivated since at least 2000 BC, used within the Olmec, Aztec & Mayan civilisations shamanically, ritualistically, in ceremony, as a plant medicine & for nutrition.
An easy read with some more info...

Whats the difference between chocolate & ceremonial grade cacao?
~ Ceremonial grade cacao is grown in nature that is allowed to remain wild, unlike most farmed foods. It is grown by ingenious local communities who get fair pay for their products, who preserve native strains of the whole bean & use minimal processing methods.

Cacao has a goddess ~ Ix cacao who was worshiped as a fertility goddess for bringing abundance to the land.

S O U N D . B A T H ~

Huda will share some of her Gong magic alongside Sandra during the sound bath.

Settle into stillness as soothing frequencies & vibrations will be introduced to the space around you, transporting you into a sense of timelessness whilst giving time for the experience to be fully absorbed before you land back into reality.
Sounds will be coming from an array of instruments including metal, crystal & alchemy singing bowls, gongs, shamanic drum, ocean drum, swinging chimes, wah wah, rain sticks, hand pan, rattles & more.

D E T A I L S ~

5.30 - 8 pm Saturday 25th June
There is no wrong or right in an experience like this, simply expressing & exploring
Open guidance will be offered from time to time, but movement will be free flowing
Concoction vegan, Gluten & nut free!
No need to even drink the cacao if you simply wish to join in & lying or sitting down is welcome through out
You are welcome just as you are
Please arrive at least 10 minutes before session for registration & time to settle
Wear comfy warm layers & bring a cusion & blanket if possible for nesting & resting part of the session
Mats provided, but feel free to bring your own & only used for the sound bath at the end.

T H E . V E N U E ~

Address ~ The Old print works, 506 Moseley road, B12 9AH, Bimingham

In a gorgeous cosy yoga studio.

Free street parking on weekends.

Please be in touch if you have any queries ~

Love All Ways
S & S xxx