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We enjoy creating sacred spaces & containers
Where inner exploration, connection & release can occur
Weaving together embodied primal movement, meditations, sound baths, ceremony & beyond

Igniting the energy within
Shaking life into being
Using movement as our medicine

Finding our freedom through feeling
Expressing & sensing
Beliefs, behaviours, instincts & emotions ~ All in motion
On this journey of life

Through classes, workshops, retreats & ceremonies
West midlands based UK ~ you can find our offerings all over
Sharing at an array of yoga & wellbeing gatherings, festivals, retreats, camps & shows
As well as hosting international ‘yogaventures’ ~ immersive journeys across the globe

At the heart of our offerings
We wish to honour earth’s rhythms, it’s cycles & seasons & our elemental wisdoms
Exploring the truths we all carry ~ the realities we so often forget

Journeying this unravelling path of wonder
As we guide ourselves home together
Through the magic of our hearts

Usually working within a theme, our offerings share invite & integrate creative expression & freedom of movement. Connecting people to their inner rhythm & fluidity.
Nourishing movement is woven together with positive affirmations, guided meditations, beautiful visualisations, mantras & mudras, whilst integrating the power of the breath throughout.

~ S T Y L E ~

Our inspiration is gathered from a vast variety of modalities, styles, teachers & experiences. Creating our own unique heart sharing.
Weaving wisdoms from different ancient practices into our offerings

~ Seasonal ~ Vibrational Medicine ~ Tantra ~ Dao/Tao practices ~ Chinese Medicine ~ Chakra & Kundalini ~ Shamanic ~

~ C O M M U N I T Y ~ Coming together in Unity ~

When like-minded people come together to share in an experience that nourishes the soul & spirit, words cannot capture the feelings & sensations created. Being a part of & having the honour to host gatherings where a true sense of community can be felt, is the most magical thing of all for us.

~ S A C R E D . S O U N D ~ S O U N D . B A T H S ~

We are fascinated by & enjoy exploring the vibrational medicine frequencies can hold.
Sharing sound baths at the end of all our offerings, creates a deep space for people to settle & absorb the experience of the session.
We use an array of instruments, such as gongs, drums, singing ~ metal & crytal bowls, chimes, rattles & more.

~ C E R E M O N I E S ~

Ceremonies are a powerful way to honour & or celebrate life with all it's transitions, ebbs & flows, whilst exploring the part we play within this rich tapestry. Ceremonies share wonderful tools for the soul to converse with it's surroundings & self.

We also host CACAO ceremonies sharing ceremonial grade cacao within a nutritious concoction of plant medicines, all supporting the release of endorphins & happy hormones, inviting the heart to blossom & our feelings to flow freely.
More about Cacao coming soon.

~ D A N C E ~ F R E E D O M . O F . E X P R E S S I O N ~

We LOVE nothing more than to dance freely & share an array of dance offerings & journeys, usually shared through a certain theme.
Freedom of movement for us is the purest form of meditation & most joyous way of feeling into the present, inviting everything else drops away.

~ S H A K T I . A L C H E M Y ~

Exploring the path of the sacred feminine & women’s mysteries.

Through this work we believe women can re-establish deep & healing connection with their bodies & minds.
By honouring & celebrating feminine energy & the power that lies within, our truths, wisdom &the creative power we all carry.
Sharing the wisdom of each of the stages womanhood opens us to ~ Exploring our cyclical nature & heart-womb connection.
Including womens wellness practices, womb yoga, womb connection & more.
Sandra’s first women’s weekend retreats started over 10 years ago.

~ P O P . U P . S T U D I O ~

Over the years we have collected & created our own on the go pop-up studio of over 70 Yoga mats, comfy cushions, soothing lavender eye pillows, a plethora of sarongs, blocks, many magical decorations & adornments.
Taking this to different locations we enjoy transforming any space into a beautiful Yoga shala!
~ Pop Up Studio available for hire too, get in touch for your special event ~

~ R H Y T H M S , C Y C L E S & E L E M E N T A L . W I S D O M S ~

~ Earth ~ Water ~ Fire ~ Air ~ Ether / Space / Great spirit ~

Feeling into & honouring these building blocks of life is at the core of Yoga & all spiritual paths, from ancient to new.
Within our offerings we love exploring & sharing about the outer & inner worlds of the ever-changing seasons & cycles, lunar rhythms & beyond.
When we gather together to celebrate & tune into these natural cyclical rhythms around us, we feel it allows us to flow more harmoniously through life.

~ T H E . P O W E R . O F . T O U C H ~

Trained in Indian head & Ayurvedic massage, along with practicing other techniques such as Thai massage, we integrate this wonderful work into classes, workshops & retreats, through solo, partner & group work, teaching self-love & opening the heart to give & receive.

~ Y O G A . N I D R A ~

We love to offer the magic of Nidra ~ Radical rest! When we welcome words & awareness as your ship to explore the rivers & seas of energy within. Creating a state of cosiness & comfort in a nest of rest & delight. ~ Yoga Nidra means Yogic sleep ~ Dropping us into a different form of consciousness, somewhere between waking & sleeping. Sofia loves creating her own themes & journeys for this.

~ H E R . S T O R Y / h i s . S T O R Y ~
~ T H E I R . S T O R Y ~

We enjoy attending gatherings, courses & CPD days together, expanding into & amplifying all we continue to learn along the way, as well as on our travels.
We have also completed karuna reiki to level 2 & are fascinated in the world & realms of healing & energy work.
More training info available upon request & below...

We also offer private & open classes, tailormade sessions, for the individual, groups & for corporate wellbeing days, teaching as a duo & separately too.


Meet Sandra

Sandra has been teaching Yoga in the UK for over 20 years since she settled here to raise her 2 children, her best friends Sofia & Matias, after years of exploring & working in many places across the world.
She is from Argentina & is often told her soothing words, accent & voice from the heart cannot be forgotten.
Starting her Yoga journey in her early 20's after studies in P.E at Buenos Aries University, Argentina, Sandra's home country.
She has an extensive professional fitness background stretching over 38 years that has left her with a deep understanding of safe & beneficial movement for the body. She has taught many fitness varieties, some of which include swimming to all ages including babies, to steps, aqua aerobics & more.
She started teaching & holding space for people at the age of 17, organising her own summer camps for children full of activity, creativity, swimming, music, art, cooking & beyond.
Across the last 20 years in the UK she has taught Yoga to all walks of life, from prenatal to baby yoga, toddlers, children, schools, teens, care homes & to a range of peoples individual needs, in an array of settings. This has left her with a clear vision of how Yoga can form & adapt to benefit all walks of life.
She feels yoga & all it offers is her ~ dharma ~ purpose in life & feels it has saved her on more than one occasion.
She dedicates alot of her time to family & loves being a mother & now abuelita! Now that both her children are older is enjoying dedicating herself evermore to yoga & loves sharing this path with her daughter.


Meet Sofia

Sofia is a nature loving mama, to a little Luca & Frederico. She grew up attending dance school, where her love for embodying movement & expression grew. Growing up immersed in the world of her mum’s offerings she would often be involved with kids yoga, swimming lessons & more from an early age.
Once she left school she returned to the French Alps, her family’s first home, so she could follow in her parents footsteps with ski seasons & be surrounded by mountains, nature, snowboarding & fun. Soon after she discovered the seasonal life of music festival work, where for part of the year she enjoys a nomadic lifestyle, surrounded by music, texture, art & field living, able to dance often & always meeting & sharing with new people.
Assisting with yoga workshops & retreats since Sandra began them over 13 years ago, it naturally came to a time where Sofia wished to start delving deeper into yoga’s path to hold a better understanding of it’s roots. She started her courses & teacher training in India at the start of 2016 & began holding offerings soon after.
She loves creating, writing & sharing meditations & Yoga Nidras, adorning spaces & making altars.
Having especially enjoyed courses with Uma Dinsmore Tuli ~ ‘Womb Yoga & women’s wellness therapy’ & ‘Pregnancy yoga course’ ~ journeying into how yoga can support all stages & transitions within a woman’s life.
Sofia takes care of most the internet side of things ~ social media, emails, mailing list, artwork/designs etc.
Sofia feels her biggest inspiration is her mama & feels blessed to walk in her footsteps & alongside her.

‘Om Na Ma Shivaya’ ~
‘With great respect and love ~ I honour my heart ~ my inner teacher’

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Love All Ways