~ A mythical bird known for rising from it’s ashes
~ Said to cyclically burn to death & be reborn with renewed energy for the next cycle
~ The phoenix often serves as a symbol of renewal , rebirth, fire & passion
~ A magical creature that is called upon to ignite our true inspiration


~ A state of being deeply engaged, absorbed or involved in
~ An act or instance of immersing oneself, or something

Due to the flow of the retreat & it offering so many different activities, workshops, talks & practices to ‘immerse’ yourself in, we thought ‘immersion’ captures the essence of the gathering more than ‘retreat’

Welcoming all women
To come gather in circle with us
To bathe in the magic women create when we take time to simply be with one another

Friday 10th ~ Monday 13th January 2025 ~ 4 days & 3 nights women’s wellness retreat
Check in 4.30 pm Friday ~ Arrive to a warm welcome, teas, treats & snacks to ground you after your travel
Check out 2.30 pm Monday ~ Depart after our last lunch with a full heart

Retreat with us ~ Exploring the world of the extra ordinary ~ The realities we so often forget
A journey offering, created to welcome you to drop fully into the internal landscapes of the body & it's ancient wisdoms ~ A remembering

Please note this is page is best viewed & absorbed through a laptop, or tablet than phone.

Brought to you by Mother & daughter ~ Sandra & Sofia
Fully catered for by award winning Naturopathic nutritionist, hormone & gut health specialist Trish Tucker May
Passionate about using vibrant foods & natural medicines to nourish & heal. Her lovingly put together menu will leave you glowing from the inside out!
With special guests sharing workshops ~ Bringing their magic & gifts to our women’s temple space & offerings

The festive season often brings with it a busyness & whirlwind of being here there & everywhere ~ Socialising, over indulging, a bombardment of the senses & dropping our usual rhythm of life ~ This can often leave us feeling overwhelmed mid winter
So why not fill your cup with us & settle in to 2025 with a full heart ~ DOWN TO THE LAST FEW PLACES NOW

~ replenish & recalibrate ~

We invite you to gather with us & a glorious circle of women
Dropping into the present moment again & again
When we weave presence & consciousness into the every day
Life pulsates in an enchanted dimension
Flowing through an array of anchoring & nourishing practices
With tenderness
Sharing in the alchemy of the heart & spirit
Awakening our bodies & all they can sense & hold
Through exploration

Know that all of you is welcome just as you are
There is no right or wrong way of being

Blessed vessels, made of the earth herself
The oceans flowing through our veins
The breath of life breathing us as we breathe it
The sunshine’s rays encapsulated within our very cells
Radiating life into us & reminding us of the light that burns bright within

You are all of this ~ You are life herself

Dream & drift ~ Release & Relax
Ground & root ~ Move & feel

Land in to a new year & journey of the seasons afresh
Rising & emerging softly & slowly
From the ashes of winters deep depths, deaths & slumbers
May this cycle of the seasons commence with you feeling truly ready for it all

Each season in nature bringing it’s messages & ways of existing
May we attune to this wise & ancient ecology around us & within us

Rebirth energy commencing to slowly stir
Ready to spiral into being once again ~ Always becoming ~ Always evolving
Gift yourself time for sacred pause
Time for introspection & reflection
Away from our every day rhythms & responsibilities

Feeling the spaciousness
Multifaceted healing experiences like this can offer us
Simply being
With love & care

When we gather in community
Especially as women, sisters, mothers, daughter, friends, aunties & beyond
We don’t stay strangers for long
Each of us reflecting the beauty & resilience of the sacred feminine dimensions we all carry
The myriad of experiences being a woman can hold
In a space where we can be held & witnessed
We gift each other strength
Our own stories echoed in the lives of those around us
Awakening our hearts ability to hold & feel
Reminding us that we can always relate to one another
When we slow down

The strength we create within our web of hearts
Reminds us we can cut away & let go of anything weighing us down
So we may travel lighter through this beautiful chaotic life & existance
Reconfiguring & redirecting the energy in our lives
With intention
To the areas that deserve our nourishment


With the abundance that you hold ~ Full of gifts ~ Full of medicine
We root into the truths we so often forget
Reminding one another that nothing can cut that connection
Between us & source
Us & spirit ~ Us & Goddess ~ God ~ Life itself ~ Whatever we wish to call it

May your inner compass & guides be brought into the orbit of your awareness
May your bodies signals be felt & your sensitivities & sensuality pulse & expand
May you radiate your being & pure essence in all directions

Together we will travel inwards ~ A coming home to the dark fertile soils within
The void that all life is birthed from
Awareness dropping into the deep depths of the womb
The chalice for life itself ~ Herself
Journeying together
Awakening SHAKTI

Remembering the dance & spiral of life
We will celebrate & feast
Revel & relish
As we welcome reverence for life to flow

This 4 day journey has been birthed from a space of LOVE
Love is the source & life it’s gifts
May we flow from this place

Love is the whole thing
We are only the pieces ~ Rumi


We will spend the long weekend at Eaton Manor Country Estate ~ Set amongst the Shrospshire hills. It’s plentiful gorgeous grounds are a treat to be amongst. We have held retreats here before & everybody fell in love with the surroundings & all this place offers.
The estate is a family ran business that supports community & wildlife, it is access friendly & eco conscious (solar panels, eco cleaning products, country side alliance etc) which we love & sure you will too.

Our accomodation is spread between 2 beautiful warm private cosy cottages with brickwork & beams on show, each with private gardens. You will have access to both houses communal spaces & gardens throughout & they are around 50 m away from one another. Luckily the are very well heated ~ perfect for winter retreats!

We will create our women’s temple in their very special banqueting room that overlooks a vast gorgeous garden & rolling fields with golden natural light pouring in over us.
The spacious & cosy heywood room within the banquetting / events hall, will be where we enjoy our meals & talks ~ Together around the table ~ Feasting & sharing.

Nestled in nature, the energy all around us will naturally offer space for a slowing down from the busyness of every day life & welcome an opening to relax.
We will spend time in it’s glorious green spaces ~ Around a fire, beside the babbling brook, in the fields breathing in the fresh air & beyond.

It is also beside a small old church & surrounded by beautiful walks for those that wish to explore the area.

Address ~ Eaton Manor, Eaton-under-Heywood, Church Stretton, Shropshire, Sy6 7DH, England

All bedrooms are en suite!
Triple & twin rooms have single beds. Single occupancy option gives you a king bed to yourself.

Sandra & Sofia ~ Creators of Love All Ways Yoga

Sandra is a free spirited playful yogini from Argentina who has been sharing yoga in England when the family moved here over 25 years ago. Sofia began assisting her with her offerings from a young age & their paths have become intertwined.
’We enjoy creating together & support one another in birthing our visions & dreams, which is to offer containers for others to drop into the present, to feel the full spectrum of being that life can offer us, through heartfelt experiences & explorations. We bring this to people through workshops, classes, retreats & ceremonies. You can find our offerings at an array of yoga & wellness festivals & gatherings, as well as offering immersive 'YogaVentures' across the globe.
We weave together embodied movement, meditation, ritual & the power of vibrational medicine to all our offerings. Our aim is to bring you home to your inner beloved, hoping to leave you feeling relaxed & nourished, energized & radiating LOVE.
Learn more in the ‘about us’ tab.


Trish Tucker May ~ Naturopathic nutritionist, hormone & gut health specialist will be our in house chef ~ Nourishing us with 3 homemade vegetarian / vegan meals a day & with juices, smoothies & tasty treats too!

We have spent time with her over the years, connecting & enjoying an array of festivals. She is a vivacious & vibrant energy to be around!
We have collaborated on retreats & workshops in the past & so excited to work with her again. We also see her as one of our co hosts.

39 years Juicing Queen Trish is a qualified naturopathic nutritionist & specialises in helping women with digestive problems. Passionate about using vibrant foods & natural medicines to nourish & heal from the inside out. Trish specialises in helping women navigate perimenopause & beyond by working on happy gut & hormone healing protocols.
She has recently released a book ~ ‘Nourish your gut. For a postive menopause’.
Trish was awarded UK nutritionist of the year in 2019 by the Total Wellness Club & the Gold Winner of Janey Loves Wellness Industry Awards 2020. You can find her creations & healthy stalls at an array of festivals across the UK, sharing delicious juice bars, nutritional deliciousness & amazing talks.
Trish’s personal journey & experience of overcoming asthma & severe allergies caused by a parasite infection has helped her transform her own health & that of many others.
Learn more via ~ www.trishtuckermay.com ~ Facebook ~ Instagram

May we feed our bodies with love!
Let food be thy medicine & medicine be thy food ~ Hippocrates.


There’s nothing quite like being immersed in a space or container that is being held by an array of people, rather than just one sole individual.
Each person bringing their unique energies, qualities & gifts to the container & expanding the experience we take home.
We feel it creates a greater sense of community & reminds us that when we show up in circle, on retreat & to spaces like these that ~ We are all co creators, all space holding as we journey together.

Rosie ~ A Mother, yoga teacher, transformational bodyworker, womb healer, circle holder & women's health specialist.
Rosie is fascinated by how the body can hold emotion, memory & trauma, especially in women. Dedicating her work to discovering all the feminine realm of being offers. Rosie has a deep connection with the wisdom of nature, with an active interest in ayurveda, TCM, herbalism & how the elements hold & are incorporated into life & spirit everywhere.

Rosie will be offering womb connection & a self guided massage of this sacred space.
She will be our right hand during the retreat, assisting us with the setting up & the running of a smooth journey together.
There will also be a few bodywork sessions available to book in with her if you wish to treat yourself further.

Learn more via ~  roseseedsalchemy.com ~ Instagram @roseseedsalchemy

Michelle is a Senior Yoga Teacher & Teacher Trainer, Holistic Therapist, Reiki Master & Teacher, Sound Healer, Women’s Circle Facilitator & facilitator trainer, Moon MotherⓇ, ceremonialist, artist & Priestess. She is passionate about connecting people to the rhythms & cycles of the seasons, the moon & of course to Goddess. She is an ordained Goddess Priestess with Motherhouse of the Goddess. She is also a Buddhist having spent many years living at & managing Buddhist Temples in Australia where she trained meditation teachers, ran retreats & workshops & was a meditation & Scripture Teacher.  She has been practicing yoga for over 20 years & is a qualified Hatha, Yin, Restorative & Core Strength Vinyasa Teacher, as well as a Teacher trainer with a passion for inclusive & holistic Yoga. Michelle has over 15 years of experience working as a holistic therapist & over 12 years as a spiritual teacher. She creates classes, workshops and events that help people connect to the magic that’s within & around them.
Learn more via ~ Michelle.rose.boxley.co.uk ~ Instagram @michelle.roseboxley

She is also guardian & creator of a very special goddess temple ~’The Brigid Rooms’
The Brigid rooms is made up of a collection of rooms / space ~ A therapy room where a range of holistic therapies can be enjoyed ~ The Goddess Temple where women's circles, yoga workshops, prayer sessions, priestess trainings occur ~ A creative art space where we host art & craft workshops ~ & A peace garden to enjoy during our events.
The Brigid Rooms offers a retreat away from the busy modern world. Nestled in the beautiful Shropshire countryside ~ A sanctuary for mind, body & soul. Proud to be the first Goddess Temple in Shropshire it offers a dedicated space to honouring the divine feminine.
The Goddess & Saint Brigid sits at the heart of our temple & inspired the name ~ Brigid is an ancient & most beloved Gaelic Goddess as well as being a Christian Saint associated with compassion, healing & loving kindness.
Learn more via ~ www.thebrigidrooms.com ~ Instagram @thebrigidrooms

Michelle will be offering an interactive medicine song session with drums & rattles for us all to try out, a water ceremony with water joining us from her very special water altar at the Brigid rooms & guiding some restorative yoga on the Sunday evening session whilst Sandra & Sofia offer sound healing for the ultimate cosy cocoon experience.


gut & hormonal health talk ~ with trish

The way Trish talks & shares is inspirational & energizing. She will share simple & clear tips & tools that provide valuable insights & lessons on learning how to listen to your body & reclaim your energy. I’m sure we’ve all heard by now that ‘the gut is the second brain’ ~ This is partly due to a massive 70% of our immune system being housed & created within our gut! Your gut microbiome is a microscopic world within the world of your larger body that can reflect & influence everything else going on within & around it, making it such an important part of our bodies to learn about & be able to nourish! The nutrition pointers shared will assist the body to feel lighter & clearer, assisting to reduce imbalances & inflammation, release brain fog, manage anxiety & stress better & improve stamina. ~ Feel invigorated, nurtured & motivated!
There will also be time for a Q & A.
She will be our in house chef, see above for more info on her.

womb awakening ~ self guided massage ~ with rosie

Rosie oozes softness when holding space & will be gifting us time to really connect with the sacredness of the womb space.
This workshop will be held in an evening session & we will be lay down cacooned with cushions & blankets in a glowing, yet dark womb like environment. It will be intuitively guided.
Womb massage welcomes blood to flow more freely & can even assist in the realigning of the uterus. The womb is intricately linked to our emotions, voice, ability to digest, our gut & of course a whole load of other things. Massaging this part of our body holds endless benefits including ~ restoring hormonal balnaces, alleviating menstrual issues, assisting in a gentle perimenopause transition, less menopausal side effects, managing endometriosis, PCOS, chronic pelvic pain & can increase our libido amongst other things. This practice can be found in many cultures around the world & is a great way to boost ‘women’s wellness’, which is why it is often referred to as ‘fertility massage, as it improves our general energy. It can be a wonderful way to drop into deeper connection with our intuition, your inner waters - the rivers within ~ feeling into the source of creation itself & gives us an opportunity to tune in to anything wishing to be birthed, or perhaps let go of.
Please note ~ Whilst we talk about the 'womb space' - this is an energetic place within all women, much like the sacral chakra. You do not need to have a physical womb to connect with this part of yourself & awaken & unlock the energies & powers which are held within it. 

more on michelle’s offerings landing soon!
which includes ~ medicine songs with drums & rattles, a water ceremony & restorative yoga


Gathering for 4 days & 3 nights for an immersive nurturing get away.
With a delicious program to send you sailing into 2025 feeling replenished & nurtured.
Check in 4.30 pm Friday ~ Arrive to a warm welcome, teas, treats & snacks to ground you after your travel
Check out 2.30 pm Monday ~ Depart after our last lunch with a full belly & heart

En suite accommodation & full board 3 meals a day.
Homemade delicious & nutritious vegetarian & vegan food, as well as fresh juices, smoothies & tasty treats.
Snacks, fruit, teas & refreshments will be available throughout your stay.
Dietary requirements can be catered for.

An array of offerings to immerse the mind, body & spirit in ~ Including ~
Ritual ~ Nurturing movement ~ Guided Meditation ~ Sound healing journeys ~ Heart womb connection ~ Embodiment ~ Cacao ceremony ~ Massage work ~ Journaling ~ Nature time ~ Chakra exploration & flows ~ Community ~ Elemental dance journey ~ Gut health talk ~ Partner yoga ~ Self nurture facial practise ~ Guest therapists & space holders ~ Yoga Nidra ~ Breathing practices ~ A gift bag & Beyond

We will provide yoga mats, lavender eye pillows & some blocks & cushions, but your welcome to bring your own.



Single bed in en suite triple room



Single bed in en suite twin room

King bed in en suite room

ONLY 2 rooms left ~ & some places in a triple room
A non refundable deposit payment of £222 secures your place

Full payment is due by the start of November, unless booking is made afterwards then we may need full payment in one go.
We are happy to create comfortable payment plan to suit peoples individuals needs.
~Please get in touch to disccuss options, if this feel better for you & makes it more accessible.

Due to character of the houses & room sizes, we will be charging slightly different rates depending on which house you stay in.
This offers more affordable price & a more luxurious option to reflect the space you stay in.
For more info ~ Toad hall & The Manor house

Terms & conditions can be seen on the booking page, through button below.

If you are joining with a friend, please let us know, so we can pair you up.

Together with all those that join us we will co create a beautiful journey, that will be carried in our hearts always ~ Far beyond the last circle we share


Suitable for all women, new or accustomed to yoga as everything shared is aimed to nourish & nurture us to the max

Friday 10th ~ Monday 13th January 2025 ~ 4 days & 3 nights women’s wellness retreat
Check in 4.30pm Friday ~ Arrive to a warm welcome & an afternoon tea
Check in 2.30pm Monday ~ Depart after our last lunch with a full heart
Fully catered for with delicious & nutritious food, lovingly made by the wonderful Trish Tucker May.

We will provide all yoga equipment
More info throughout the page& more given to those that book

~ A typical day may include some of the below ~

~ Morning meditation & energising yoga session
~ Breakfast
~ Free time
~ An activity / workshop / talk
~ Lunch
~ Free time
~ Outdoor walk or session offered, weather dependant could be inside
~ Free time
~ Dinner & pudding
~ Evening workshop ending with sound bath ~ This could be anything from restorative yoga & yoga nidra to cacao ceremony & elemental dance journey, massage workshop & more.

PLEASE NOTE ~ We will have things in mind for each day, but always go with the flow of the group & see what feels right with everyone at the time. ~ Fuller timetable coming soon.

All images of Eaton manor from their gallery or our past retreat there.
All other images from our workshops & retreats in times gone by & a few captured by Andrew Prod & Victoria Waits.


‘ My life has changed. So many things that I have learnt over the years came together in one weekend and where previously there was confusion and uncertainty, I dropped into deep belief. I am sure soon this feeling will ebb as I slowly get back into routine but I know that I will find it again. You have given me the most precious gift that I will cherish forever, as I now know that I can access this  space, this state and this presence of being. Thank you.
Sandra - you are a special soul. You held space so beautifully, you offered so much, your teachings so soft, feminine and transformational. my connection with you I cherish. Thank you. Sofia - what a beautiful soul you are, your words always so insightful, meaningful and profound and you were there to offer us so much and be with your beautiful young family. Thank you. I am so grateful to have you both on my path. I know we will meet again. For now I am processing, resting and taking it slow.I have had the most wonderful weekend in so many ways and on so many levels. Thank you, thank you, thank you’ 
~ Emma Yoga teacher London

‘Home now, glowing & pulsating with vibrant, warm, joyful energy and smiling as I metabloize the mind blowing experience I just had on retreat with these incredible ladies.’ ‘I learnt so much my head is exploding, we shared beautiful music play lists, books and holistic lifestyle hacks & tips. I can still feel the group hug we recieved when we left.’ ‘Beautiful asana, breathing, sound healing, sharing curcles, aromatherapy, cacao ceremonies, elemental dancing, affirmations, fire ceremonies, walking in nature. We chanted, we laughed and ofcourse we cried, shedding layers, freeing ourselves from the weight of life stuff. I am so grateful for this life changing experience. Thank you.’
~ Isabelle Yoga teacher London


Love All Ways